Keprom supports the First National Conference on the Safety of Children as Passengers

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

The First National Conference on the Safety of Children as Passengers, organized by the Traffic Safety Promotion Center, was held on Tuesday, November 27th, in Novi Sad. The event was supported by Keprom, as a company committed to socially responsible business practices.

The National Strategy for Road Traffic Safety sets 2020 as the year when no child will die in traffic accidents. In order to reach that goal, it is crucial to ensure coordination between all relevant institutions and organizations which took part in the conference: the Road Traffic Safety Agency, Traffic Police Administration, Visiting Nurse Association of the Republic of Serbia, the Protector of Citizens, the Ministry of Health, the Batut Institute, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, and others. 

Keprom informed the participants of the conference about the company’s activities aimed at raising public awareness of the need to use child car seats in order to protect the youngest passengers. On that occasion, the representatives of Keprom presented a donation to the Emergency Medical Service in Novi Sad – a special restraint system for the safe transport of children in ambulances.

Twenty child car seats, donated by the Road Traffic Safety Agency, were presented to the taxi associations of Novi Sad. As a result, Novi Sad is now the first city in Serbia where taxis will use special car seats to transport children. 
